Outdated Gear Detection Kit

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Outdated Gear Detection Kit

Postby Seven Shikami » 01 May 2009, 21:00

By user request, we're making a tool available so fishing area owners can determine who is using outdated fishing rods, and outdated third party AutoCasting HUDs. These COULD be used to gain a tiny score advantage in long-running contests -- but the detector does not detect cheating, simply who is using outdated gear. They may simply have neglected to update. PLEASE READ the notecard in the box for a full description. Please use responsibly.

This kit is available in group announcement attachments, and in Proof of Purchase pulls.
From the workshop of Seven Shikami, Official 7Seas Code Monkey.
For technical support please contact 7Seas Sass by IM in Second Life.
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Seven Shikami
Posts: 144
Joined: 18 Dec 2008, 09:43

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