Bulk Bait Delivery to Rods Disabled?

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Bulk Bait Delivery to Rods Disabled?

Postby Cherry Tungsten » 26 Mar 2009, 03:02

I've had several reports and just tested this myself. Vendor version 3.1 is not delivering bulk bait directly to the rods anymore. Has this feature been disabled?
Cherry Tungsten
Posts: 7
Joined: 20 Feb 2009, 21:09

Re: Bulk Bait Delivery to Rods Disabled?

Postby Seven Shikami » 26 Mar 2009, 03:30

Yes, we issued group notices about this a few days ago. Sorry, should've copied the posting to our Official Announcements board; I'll do that tonight.

A full half of 7Seas Sass's trouble tickets were from people who didn't read or couldn't read the instructions, even after our upgrade to include a blue popup confirmation box. As much as we like direct load bulk bait, in order to provide better overall customer support, we had to remove the option. The buckets are identical to the old direct-loads in price and quantity, however.
From the workshop of Seven Shikami, Official 7Seas Code Monkey.
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Seven Shikami
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