Building Contest with L$1500 in prizes

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Building Contest with L$1500 in prizes

Postby kulyn titanium » 25 Feb 2009, 14:01

I'm going to hold a bit of a contest. I can build, but I know there are people out there who build better. I'd like to open up a contest to all you builders out there to submit your interpretation of my build in order to win lindens.

1) All participants will receive a No Copy/No Mod prototype that I've built as an example for their own build. All builds must be made from scratch though. Builds don't need to have fish scripts installed (I can do this later if necessary), but if people want to build their own NEAT scripts to make interesting fish things, that will certainly be taken as a plus.
2) I will choose up to 3 builds that represent the best of the builds to receive L$500 each. I reserve the right to choose fewer builds if I don't think the submissions are good enough.
3) Winners will have to give me a copy/trans build. Winners will agree to work with me to create a working copy of the build if it needs scripts to function properly (following the opensource fish and rod scripts that 7 Seas provides).
4) Winners will receive No Copy/No Mod copies of all the winning entries.

Ok, now for the how and why. Send me an IM in game if you wish to request a copy of my prototype build. I will accept any builds submitted until the end of Tuesday, March 3. So the cutoff is when SL time turns to Wednesday. You don't need to give me a mod/copy version of your build unless you are chosen as a winner.
What will I be using these for? Not for my own gain. My idea is that these builds would be given from a CPG only at short contests at fishing holes which demonstrate a high degree of commitment to the fishing community. They will only be given out for very short period while people are fishing at these contests, and will be No Copy/No Mod.

Theme: A scuba cat (IM me to get a copy of my prototype)
Deadline: Start of Wednesday, March 4
Prizes: Up to 3 awards of L$500 each

So, any questions or clarifications necessary can be directed towards me, and I look forward to looking at your creations! Just remember to get them in to me before the end of Tuesday (March 3) according to SL time. If any fishing hole owners are interested in helping out with this contest or future contests in this vein, please talk to me. :D

As a note, I do intend this as more of a fun community activity. I will not be making any requirements of scripting or animations of anyone who enters. There is no obligation that any entry be a super professional L$10000 job. If you enter, please enter for fun.
kulyn titanium
Posts: 2
Joined: 23 Feb 2009, 09:54

Re: Building Contest with L$1500 in prizes

Postby kulyn titanium » 05 Mar 2009, 02:44

Congratulations to Rizzyd Ragu and Belinda Aichi. Both made really awesome builds, and each walked away with L$750! If you are interested in seeing these fishies, just ask nicely of either of the winners or myself, as we all have copies of the winning fish (as soon as I finish handing them out). Thanks to everyone who participated for making some great builds!
kulyn titanium
Posts: 2
Joined: 23 Feb 2009, 09:54

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