Fishing Tournament set for this morning!

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Fishing Tournament set for this morning!

Postby Auburn Heron » 26 Feb 2009, 03:22

There will be a fishing tournament this morning at Stella Isle Fishing Center.

Time: 6-7 am SLT.
Type: Unlimited, Individual

Prizes: Custom trophies plus store gift cards to Marla, the anchor store for Stella's Fashion Mall.
1st place--200L, 2nd place--100L, 3rd place--50L
At least 5 contestants must be present to start the contest, winners must be present
at the end of the contest, and Marla Group invitations must be accepted to give full discounts
to store card users.


If you are a new angler, equipment is available at the Fishing Center and an exerienced angler will be present from 5:30 am to help you get started!
Auburn Heron
Posts: 4
Joined: 24 Feb 2009, 03:09

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