Just Open...Autumn's Pond

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Just Open...Autumn's Pond

Postby Garron Starsmith » 29 Aug 2010, 14:10

Starspirit's Presents... would like to announce our 7seas fishing hole,
Autumn's Pond. We will be having contests very soon, and we do have a small
custom prize list, that we promise will increase in the very near future.
Currently we have a 'Wilderness camping lantern', 'Half barrel fishing stool,
and an Americana Milk can. Hope you can give us try soon, and please let
me know if you see anything missing, that a fisher loves to see when they
are out fishing.

Garron Starsmith
Starspirit's Presents...
Akona Beach (60, 164, 22)
Garron Starsmith
Posts: 2
Joined: 28 Aug 2010, 11:53

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